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10 Comments Add yours

  1. Kris says:

    A&A – Thanks for taking the time to write your blog. I love what you have written so far. Looking forward to seeing you when you get this far. I’m jealous and proud of the risk you have taken for your big adventure. Love, Aunt Kris


  2. Tori Sahnow says:

    Hey Andy and Angie, Just wanted you to know that I really enjoy your blog and being to see the adventures you two have. Thanks for doing this so I can live vicariously through you.


  3. Jason says:

    Hey, saw your post in the Star Tribune. I’m Jason, a student at Metro State here in the Twin Cities. Your adventure is inspiring and reminds me of month long trips our family would take each year growing up. We had a class C motorhome, and I shared it with 9 older siblings and one younger sibling!!:) No cats or dogs. We, too, have seen most all 50 states and I encourage you to press on!!:) There is no reason not to do what you enjoy, and we don’t know how long we will enjoy this earth (or our friends and family.) I, too, would miss family and friends and had a little bit of a different experience in terms of who I shared the views with. We laughed, cried, teased, fought, played, and slept. It sure was unforgettable. I encourage you to bring kids along if you have the opportunity!:) These memories will be forever, and I’m glad you guys are doing it while you have the mental and physical gusto to do so! If you come back to the cities, I welcome you! I love MN too much to want to leave, and feel I’ve had my share of travelling, so I will be here to stay. However fun, I won’t be doing the same. I sort of got it out of my system growing up. In addition to seeing cool places, we have big families and go to a church that has locations around the US, Canada, and Europe(our roots), so we would make it to church just about every Sunday. On your journey, don’t hesitate to stop by. Anyone, and I mean anyone is welcome. No charge, a free meal in the dining room with a congregation size between 50 to 1000 people, and a warm, nice feeling. Maybe, just maybe, God will open your eyes to your internal corruption, and sin, and open his door of warm grace and forgiveness. In other words, you may go through that bloody door of grace and receive that forgiveness which Jesus’s disciples were given and taught to preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Anyway, church is Old Apostolic Lutheran Church. Locations are at

    Maybe I will see you at the Minnetonka, MN or newly built Delano, MN church in days to come!?

    Press on, your advocate,



    1. Thanks for sharing your story! We love hearing about other travelers. It’s very cool that you had such an experience with your family. I’m sure it was unforgettable. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement (and for visiting our blog)!


  4. Hey there!!!
    I read the article you wrote in MotorHome.. Let me first say.. it is my dream. I call it my “gyspy retirement plan”. I sadly have to wait, until I am at least 52 to start (I am 45 now) because of my monster student loans.
    My question is simple, forgive me if you address it in your blog… How do you finance your travels? I know you sold your home in MN.. and saved a little.. but as anything, it runs out sometimes.. and I have been hearing of the astronomical park prices down south. Any tips?


    1. Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out! I am very excited for you to start your own adventure. The question of finances comes up often and it is a piece that many people are interested in. We dabbled quite a bit in selling things on Etsy and other places. We made soaps and jewelry mainly, and we shipped them to people from the road. Now that we are park hosts in Southern California, we picked up part time jobs in town. Becoming a park host has been a great way for us to restock our funds so that we can get back on the road (I am actually writing another article for MotorHome about this topic).

      After trying different ways to make money, we have found out what we enjoy and what we do not. When we head back out on the road, we plan to continue making soaps but will discontinue jewelry. I will also be working as a freelance writer and my husband will hopefully pick up more mechanic work as we travel.

      I hope this helps a little! Please let me know if you have any more questions — I am always happy to answer anything that may help someone else with their own adventure!


  5. Patti Suttle says:

    I too read your article in MH magazine. I loved reading about traveling with animals! My husband and I have wanted to do just as you are doing…we have had a MH for many years (so we know we love that lifestyle) but it was mostly shorter trips. We are now early 60’s and I’m waiting for my husband to fully retire (he’s consulting for the Air Force now) and then we’ll start our adventure! We have a 2 year plan of traveling the country…we live at the beach in CA too…in Port Hueneme, by Ventura! We’ll go up the coast and then go East and Over to Main and then down…we have lots of family in Texas (we don’t have kids…we DO have 4 legged kids who will travel with us…and a guinea pig who will too if he’s still with us then….he’s 5 now! So, we’ll hang out in Texas for the holidays and start off again after that. This won’t be for another 2 years. I am ready to go now but my husband is not. And, our dogs are older now and we have good vets here….that is a consideration. We are looking into motorhomes now because ours is too old and no slideouts! Anyway, so glad to read your story and I will follow your adventures! Continue to have fun and inspire others!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I am happy you enjoyed the article. It sounds like you both have an amazing adventure planned; wow what a trip that will be! We wish you both luck, in both finding a new motorhome and your future adventure!!


  6. T says:

    I so wish that I would have had the courage that you two have when I was young. There are so many many amazing places to see throughout this Country. Every State has something that will change your lives in so many good ways. I live in Austin, Texas, hope you make it through this area. The Rocky mountains are the most Spiritual place I have been and I know that there are so many more. You will not regret this adventure. You will be better people for all you learn. Some day when you have kids you will be great parents because of all you will learn about others and how much we are all alike. Thanks FOR sharing your experiences with us. Tim Shockley

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reaching out! We love hearing from people around the country. So far, we are very thankful that we decided to do this and we are happy to keep learning so much and meeting so many wonderful people. Thanks!


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